Feedback on Life & Performance Coaching
"Wanted to share with you, the healing has been working on me continuously.
That block obviously was a massive protective block...
My mind feels so clear. I feel fantastic !!!
I can’t wait for our session..."​
"I feel immense clarity, every conversation I have had today has come from a place of deep knowledge and it has been wonderful. The clarity has been awesome, thank you so so much!!!"
"...I had to reach out to you to say Thank you!
I have been listening to your 'Letting Go' meditation ... and I just wanted to express my gratitude for the way you express ancient timeless wisdoms in common speech. No dogmas. No esoteric terminology. Just simple, innocent everyday talk.
I've listened to your meditation close to a dozen times by now, sometimes while sitting still, other times while going about my tasks, and it is helping with the de-distortion of many perceptions mired in places other than truth. It is definitely a powerful catalyst ...!
I am happy to have added your meditation into my repertoire of meditations I generally do at this time!"
"I want to tell you that your session and resources really helped. I finally moved through enough to start asking for what I want. I applied for a new job... the process it took for me to write the letter and ask a few folks for references was huge for me. Whatever this is in me, it is starting to move, ...there is motion and fluidity now. Thank you for helping me with that."
"We like your style and the laid back warmth you ooze."​
"Appreciate your wisdom shining thru...
It's as tho you are looking through a mirror at us. I sense you have a lot of wisdom to share. ... look forward to more... Thank you"
"I choose you because you are genuine, warm and I connected with your messages."
"This was very interesting and great!"
"Omg....that was AMAAAZING!!! THANK YOU for showing me the TRUTH!!"
"It was very beautiful, uplifting, inspiring and motivating...
You are truly gifted and I’m so happy I found you."​​
"...I feel aligned with you so much. I love the way you explain things."
"Your advice is so on point."
"Well, I think you get the idea that I so appreciate how accurate your intuition is and so appreciate all you offered me.
I am both excited and calmed by the insights and perspectives you provided. Can’t ask for more than that!"
"Yes, you very accurately picked up the energy."​​
About "Let Go - But How?" Clearing Technique:
"Wow, this is excellent! ...I'm so impressed with the results!"
Shamya's Let Go - But How? ... is a game changer in the world of really, truly letting go of unhelpful patterns and emotions once and for all.
By following and practicing the steps outlined in LGBH, I was able to finally let go of an unhelpful pattern in a family relationship that had been plaguing me for many years. This first letting go process uncovered deeper layers of wounding underneath the pattern that I am now working on releasing as well.
In this short book, Daniela teaches us what emotions are, who we are in relation to our emotions, and gives a clear, concise, effective step-by-step program to move negative and stuck emotions out of our bodies for good. You no longer have to suffer through habitual modes of being based on trauma, fear or worry. Daniela's techniques work equally well for long-standing patterns and in-the-moment upsets. Her explanations of the techniques are simple, clear and straight to the point.
It is possible to finally let go of fear, worry, anxiety, and trauma for good, regardless of whether or not you know where these emotions originated from. It is possible to live from a centered, joyful, calm and peaceful place, even in our chaotic world. Shamya's book is the map to get you there.